6:54 | 1 c h r o n i c l e s

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Main point. God providing for His ministers through His people.

In this chapter it goes over a list of the cities that the different groups of Israel gave to the Levites to live in. As part of God’s plan, the Levite tribe was not to receive their own land as an inheritance because their tribe would be the priests of Israel and the Lord was their inheritance. However, the people were supposed to take care of them and give them some of their own land, some cities, in which they could live. The list of these cities given to the Levites show how God provided for their every need. It shows the importance of God’s people taking care of God’s work and it shows God being the One behind all of this, taking care of His own.

I need to remember this. Be a giver. Give to God’s people and His work. Not just money, but time, energy, love, etc. Also, trust God to be the One to take care of me, provide for me, take care of my every need. He is faithful and mighty and in control.

This shows the gospel in showing the response of God’s people for the ones who intercede for us to God. My great high priest is Jesus who intercedes with God the Father for me. My response it to give my life to Him. Not just cities, or lands, or food, but all I am.

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