e z e k i e l 18:31-32

Ezekiel 18:31-32. Main point. God wants people to repent, He doesn’t want anyone to die. In this chapter, God is talking about sin and its consequences and righteousness and its consequences. Then He takes about repentance and expresses to Israel that He wants them to repent, to turn away from their sin so that they will not die because He does not like it when people die in their sins. I need to remember this. My God wants me to repent, and not even just that, He wants the world to repent. God does not anyone to remain in their sins. He wants people to turn away from them and come to Him. That’s why missions is important. God wants everyone to be saved, He does not want, does not like it when people die in their sins. Before I can make my life about seeing the world repent, I must have that personal attitude daily. Daily dying to self, always turning away from sin and to Jesus. Then I can concern myself with seeing the world turn from their sins. This shows the gospel in showing people turning from their sins, to God, to be saved.

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