8:30-35 | j o s h u a

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Sometimes we think that things in our lives need to be a certain way before we can obey God. Like, “God, I need to finish this research paper before I can do my devotions.” Or like, “I’ll fully surrender to … Continued

8:1-29 | j o s h u a

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Sometimes failure can keep us from doing anything great. The fear of failing again can stunt our growth, maturity and blessing from God. If you think about it, the battle that they just lost in the previous chapter was Joshua’s … Continued

7:10-26 | j o s h u a

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Sometimes, we don’t realize how serious sin is in our lives. Maybe the first time we realize it, we let it continue and don’t really do anything about it. So, if you remember, this guy Achan stole some of the … Continued

7:1-9 | j o s h u a

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Three things: 1) Obedience/disobedience to God does not only affect you, it affects so many other people you have no idea. 2) When you lead, it doesn’t matter how good you are or how lead by God you are, there … Continued

6:1-27 | j o s h u a

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Once again, God is teaching me to obey His voice. No matter how ridiculous it sounds. God is telling the Israelites how they are going to defeat the city of Jericho. The city of Jericho was huge. They were famous … Continued

5:1-9 | j o s h u a

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God has been doing some incredible things here and allowing me to be a part of some seriously exciting things that He’s been planning. It’s awesome to feel the power of God surge inside you until it comes out of you … Continued